Work safely and return home safely!

Work at height standard operating procedure for construction project

SopFall hazards are considered to be major shareholders when fatal accidents account for construction sites and these hazards need to be addressed by the provision of an effective Sop for
We are committed to helping you to minimize risks associated with working at height at the workplaces especially construction industries.

Purpose of SoP

Minimize the risk to the health, safety, and welfare of workers and visitors who are required to work or visit at height and to anyone affected by the work activities
Establish and comply with the requirements of the Work at Height Regulations and international safety standards.

To ensure the safety of workers who perform work at height job and the safety of others who can be exposed to work at height hazards in the vicinity.

This standard operating procedure can apply to all working at height on this project or used as a reference to customize the requirements of the project.

Definition of Work at height

Work at height can be defined according to HSE (Health And Safety Executive) “Work at
height means work in any place where, if safety controls are not in palce were not
taken, a person could fall a distance enough to cause personal injury”.

Roles & Responsibilities

Everyone assigned to perform work at height must understand their responsibilities and rules before attempting the task.

Manager(s) & Supervisor(s)

  • Risk assessments should be conducted before the commencement of work and at any time the scope of work changes or the risk of a fall increases.
  • All equipment including tools, PPEs, and material purchases for work should comply with the relevant national and international Standard and is fit for its purpose.
  • All workers should provide job-specific training and daily toolbox briefing.
  • All major and minor accidents must be undergone thorough inspection and investigation to identify the root causes and stop recurrence.

Safety Officer(s)

  • Provide proper barricades, warning signs, lifelines, harness, and PPE.
  • To conduct a briefing to subcontractors about the safe operating procedure to be followed while working at height.
  • To inspect the location every day with the site supervisor and record any unsafe condition or unsafe act.
  • Instruct the subcontractor to do rectification work immediately.
  • Keep the record of the inspection carried out.


  • Subcontractors shall supply their own equipment for working at height.
  • However, the requirement of this procedure will still apply if the client or contractor includes it in their requirements
  • Provision of appropriate means/resources to monitor contractors’ compliance with these procedures.
  • Notify the client or labor department (where applicable) representative of any injuries or accidents immediately.
  • Always archive a copy of all working at height risk assessments.
  • To inspect the area regularly and rectify all unsafe condition immediately
  • To check the lifeline whether it is properly secured above the point of operation to an anchorage.
  • To provide a safety net (15x15cm) if the working place is 8 M or above when the use of platforms, lifelines, or safety belts are not practical.
  • To conduct tool-box talk to the workers every day about the safety precautions to be taken while working at height and submit the report to the client or contractor safety section

Worker(s) or Staff

  • Wear and use their harness and all necessary PPE always.
  • Inform their supervisor if they found any unsafe condition immediately

General Requirements for safe Work

  • To provide Proper working Platform (610mm,3 pieces of metal deck Closely decked and secured both ends)
  • To provide safety nets (15x15cm) if the working place is 8M or above when the use of platforms, lifelines, or safety belts are not practical.
  • Provision of horizontal and vertical lifeline
  • Provision of Safety PPEs to all workers


  1. Working at height must be avoided according to the ALARP principle
  2. Suitable equipment or other measures to prevent falls must be provided where working at height cannot be avoided;
  3. All work at height must be properly planned, appropriately supervised, and carried out in as safe a manner.
  4. Halt the work where/when weather conditions endanger health or safety.
  5. Workers should be trained and supervised by a competent person.
  6. The place where work is being done is safe and has features to prevent falls.
  7. Equipment must be appropriately inspected by a competent person and tagged.
  8. Prevent any area where there is a risk of someone being struck by a falling object or person should be clearly identified and unauthorized persons should be prevented from entering.
  9. Throw or drop anything from height if it is likely to injure anyone must be prohibited.
  10. Nothing should be stored in a way where movement may injure anyone or fall onto the ground.
  11. No one should go onto or near a fragile surface.
  12. Safe working platform shall be constructed with proper means of access and escape routes, such as stairs, ladder and ramps shall be provided.
  13. Guardrails shall have sufficient strength and rigidity on more than 2M a secure minimum 200mm high toe board, top & mid-rail shall be provided
  14. Appropriate lifelines (horizontal or vertical) shall be provided and it should be securely anchored to a permanent structure.
  15. Where a safety belt is used to the anchorage by means of the lifeline the anchorage shall not be lower than the working position of the person wearing the safety belt.
  16. Every open side or opening where a person may fall through shall be covered or guarded by an effective barrier to prevent falls except where free access is required by
  17. Safety net shall be provided below the area of work where the working platform or use of safety belt or lifeline is not practically feasible.

List of PPEs for Work at Height

  1. Head protection - A helmet
  2. Eye protection -Safety Goggle
  3. Foot Protection - Footwear
  4. Hand Protection - Protective gloves
  5. Full body protection from fall - Harnesses or lanyards with a lifeline


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