How to wite Health and Safety Training Report

 This article contains a detailed sample report of HSE Training report. You can download the pdf format details report by clicking the below link or contact for the editable report.

Personal Protective Equipment

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Executive Summary

The purpose of this Training Report is to assess the effectiveness of the training events carried out for senior managers and focal points on “HEALTH & SAFETY USING PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AT WORKPLACE”. The report provides an integrated perspective on the training efforts including the Pre & Post-training assessments, training content, role plays and involvement of participants. The training content is designed according to the needs of participants and keeps all important information in English and Urdu to make it easily understandable for participants. As per defined objectives and frame given by the Tearfund team the content outline is prepared and more emphasis is kept on effective utilization of personal protective equipment at the workplace. 

Overall, this training was well received by participants which can be gauged form participants pre and post assessments and training feedback. It is observed/analyzed that the learning of participants is increased by 40% in the post training assessment which ultimately evident the effectiveness of the training.

It is important to highlight that the two-way communication approach for the training enables participants to share their experience and knowledge, which results in a healthy learning environment. Where participants participated very actively in Q&A(s) role plays. 

The area of improvement for future training is designing of training and trainer feedback form to cater to the low literate group, because the participants face difficulty to respond in conventional feedback forms.

Training Objectives 

The objectives of this training are as under.

  1. To sensitize the frontline workers of the solid waste management department for the adverse impact on the health and safety by working without using personal protective equipment.
  2. To aware and promote personal hygiene practices at the workplace and home using personal protective equipment. 
  3. Identify the uses and requirements of personal protective equipment (PPE)

Participants Profile 

The training participants included staff members of Tear Fund, HANGZHOU Company Supervisor and SSWMB representatives. Total number of participants was (Males 45; Females: 08) who belonged to the Tear Fund and HANGHZU (see Annex V for list of participants).

Training Proceedings

The training began with recitations of the Holy Quran. It was formally initiated by Rizwan Jaleel – Senior Stakeholders & Community Engagement Officer who shared the objectives of training. Mr. Rizwan Jaleel warmly welcomed the participants, thanked them for sparing time to attend these sessions, delivered the welcome note and invited Mr. Safdar Khan - Trainer to deliver the Session. Moving on the trainer welcomed participants and session ice breaking note “Jan Hai Tou Jahan Hai”. Take a short introduction of participants that includes name, their job role and expectation from training. The follow up activity is pre-training assessment which has been conducted with help of Tearfund staff and completed in fifteen minutes.

Section A: Solid Waste Management’s Risks

Comprehensive discussion has been done with participants to elaborate different risks associated with solid waste management. Involve participants to share their experiences and share good practices. Risk areas such as Solid waste segregation counters conveyors, transport, glass waste, chemical and toxic waste etc. are discussed in detail. The session has been concluded with a discussion on the consequences of solid waste management risks and how it can affect the worker if safety controls are not in place along with appropriate PPEs.

Section B: Personal Protective Equipment

The section starts with a briefing on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that includes the definition & the importance of PPEs during the handling of solid waste. PPEs can be equipment, clothing, or gear used to protect from physical and chemical hazards when on a worksite. It is used to protect employees when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible to reduce the risks to acceptable levels.

Videos have been shown on each important PPE that includes Safety goggles, Safety Mask, Safety Shoes, a Reflecting Jackets, Safety clothing, and earmuffs. The practical demonstration has been given to participants on how to use above mentioned PPEs during solid waste management.

Section C: Manual Handling 

The section has started with opening questions form participants such as, how to carry load? What should be body posture during lift, lower tasks? Correct body posture during manual handling is demonstrated to make the participants understand. Wrong posture has shown in presentation and further explanation has been done by using a chart and pen. 

Section D: Health and Hygiene

In this section an overview of Health and Hygiene was given to participants and details of why personal hygiene is important and how it is maintained were discussed. The participants were oriented on the five important elements of personal hygiene That includes 1. Washing hands 2. Cleaning teeth, 3. Trim Nails, 4. Take Bath, 5. Clean clothing. Moreover, the challenges of health and hygiene were also discussed, and suggestions were made to overcome the challenges. The section has been closed on the hand washing steps and discussed the handout given to participants.

Section E: First Aid 

This section was focused on the Basic First Aid skill which are required by the participants and detailed briefing was given on how First Aid administers. Also discussed what are the do’s and don’ts of during First Aid. Participants are brief on four main First Aid topics that includes, chain of survival behaviors, how to control bleeding, Eyes related First Aid and First Aid for burn emergencies.


The whole training content is summarized by cross questioning the participants and re-emphasis on the training objectives. The participants have given time to reflect on the training where participants and their supervisors share their viewpoint on training and learnings.

Hands – On Activities 

PPES Selection, Use and Inspection

A Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is gear designed to reduce employee exposure to physical, chemical and biological hazard during work. It protect employees when engineering and administrative controls are attainable to reduce the risks to acceptable levels. The participants are oriented with all mandatory PPEs for solid waste management and select few participants to select their PPEs from display. Discussed the PPEs selected by participants and shared areas of improvement. Two role plays are exercise 1.) Solid waste management supervisor PPEs selection and discussion 2.) COVID – 19 Waste management worker role pay by selecting required PPEs and subsequent discussion.

Basic First Aid How to stop Bleeding and victim evacuation 

Two scenarios have been demonstrated in this section to educate participants how to response in actual emergency. First Scenarios, the participants are oriented how to apply bandages to control bleeding through role play where participants himself-act as victim and first aider. In the second scenario the participants were oriented on how to evacuate a victim with human hand stretcher. In this role play one participant acts as victim and four participants act as responders. The victim evacuation activity has been carried out successfully.

Training Participants Learning Assessment

Participants are given workshop evaluation forms and trainer’s evaluation forms to share their feedback at end of the training.  In addition, a post-training assessment test was also conducted to help gauge the perceived change in knowledge by the participants at the end of the training.

Post Training Assessment Result

In the pre-test, the participants' answers in “yes” or “No” were examined for 5 questions related to training. The participant’s response is presented in the graph. 100% of participants responded that they understood the answer if all five questions. 

Pre- Training Assessment Result

In the pre-test, the participants' answers in “yes” or “No” were examined for 5 questions related to training. The participant’s response is presented in the graph. On Average 60% of participants are aware of the assessment question while 40% answer in No.

Training & Trainer Evaluation 

With regards to training, participants shared that training was very helpful and the content, role plays, and exercises used in training helped them understand the topic and its significance. Participants found the training material to be very helpful and shared that those presentations were very easy to understand because simple and easy terminologies were used in the material. Other factors such as time division and topics covered in during the training were well-received by the participants

The general feedback of participants about the trainer was very positive as majority of the participants strongly agreed and were appreciative of the trainer's level of knowledge, style and presentation, preparation and research about the topics and the efficient use of training material. While sharing their opinion, participants said that all the sessions were informative and relevant to their area of interest; some participants also shared suggestions to improve such as conduction of such training more frequently, and schedule must be flexible.

Certificate Distribution & Closing

Closing ceremony of the training was led by Mr. Syed Junaid Bashir (Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator), the ceremony was initiated with a note of thanks, and he addressed the participants and asked about their learning experience and distributed training certificates. He thanked the participants for their active participation in the training. He also congratulated them on successful completion of this training course and hoped that the knowledge gained would help the implementing partners in effective and efficient implementation of the activities.

Leeson Learns 

More interactive sessions and practical exercises were ensured by the trainers, which helped participants underrate the training contents. 

As the Assessment and training feedback activity, took more time than allocated. If next time such activity will be planned for participants with low/not literacy, different methodology should be adopted.


  1. Freshers also easily understand The Concept of Preparation

  2. To aware and promote personal hygiene practices at the workplace and home using personal protective equipment.

  3. Nice Blog


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