Radiation Safety Basics


Since stone age energy in form of radiations are use to cure disease and other routine applications around the world. But the industrial revouluton and latter on medical science development open new windows of radiation application in many areas. Now a days radiation of different frequency ranged are used from kitchen for cooking to ripen food in stores and cure tumors in hospitals.

Radiation application increasing day by day and it revolutionlized the medical science by enabling sugent to treat patent by avoiding invasive procedures. But, beside all benefits radiation have a dark side where the living thing includeing human animals and plant can have devasting effects if the radiation exposure eceeds a certain limit. And these eposure limits can be maintain by adopting radiation safety principels and international agreed stamdards.

In this blog we will discussed basics of radation safety so that our read especially radiation safety professionals could have clear understanding of  of radiation safety whch.

You can not see it
You can not feel it

From Where radiation Comes

Natural Or Background Radiation

The radiation originating from natural sources includes radio Isotopes or radioactive elements on or inside the earth. These sources are have 
the background radiation are come from the cosmic rays these are orign in the space 

Man-made Radiations  

Man Made radiation are those artificially generated by linear accelerator or X-rays Gemertors 

Radiation is a dinamic term used for to define the process through which energy radiate or travel in space or in matter. For eample the visible light radiation from sun radiate from Sun and trave to earth through space and matter (Atmsphere). There are two major types  of radiations clasified according to their frequency (energy) and wavelegth. These radiations incldues;

1. Ionizing Radation 

2. None Ionizing radiation

Ionzating raduation are through radiation whch can ionize atom on ts eposure to certain limt depaends on its threshold energy. For eample alpha rays having energy from 

Nn ionizing radiation are those radiation which can not ioninze (ploarized atom or molecule) on its eposure it can change chmcal and phyocal propertes of the matter when expose to certain limit. For eample sun light (visible light) fall onto water surface can change physcal properties of water that includes water tempertaure and volume.

Non-Ionizing Radiation

None Inzing radiation are the radiation with freuency below than 1000 Hz these radiation are considered to be less harm n terms of cell damge at DNA level and use in many application include radio, TV mobile communicating, cooking and heating purposed. The non ionizing radiation inlcudes, Radio wave , Microwaves, Ultra vlout waves, vsible light. 

Safet whle dealing with None Ionizing Radiations

Eyes protection is is mst improtant safety aspect while using none ionzing raditaon 

Ionizing Radiation 

Ionizating radiation are the radiation with higher frequency more then 30003 Hz these aradation are supposed to use wth care t avoid any adverse effect on the user or live in the vicinity. Ionizang radiation inlcudes, Alpha rays, Beta Rays , Gamma Rays 

Safety Whle dealing with Ionizing Radiations

It is important to understand the principal of radiation effects/harmness on livng thing or more perticularly human cell - it damage cell DNA by ionizing water molecule in cell. And these damges increase with time and distance between source of radiation and and exposure time.
Therefore to deal with Ionization radation TDS prinicpal must be followed

ALARA Program for Radiation Safety 

As lw as reasonalbili and activeabale and practicabel 

 Principles of lowering radiation exposure 

Time, distance and shielding principal in radiation safety

Time is directly proportional to radiation eposure
distance between radiation source or emitter and receiver is inversely proportional to radiation exposure rate Shielding is inversely proportional to radiation exposure rate- Rays are the most danger for human being.
Organs at Risk in radiation safety
  • Eyes - retina
  • Gonads
  • Skin
  • Muscles
  • Brain
  • Heart
  • Bones

Industrial Application of Radiation

  • Industrial Radio Graphgy
  • NDT testing
  • Medical Applications of Radiation
  • Radiology
  • Oncology
  • Nuclear Medicine 

Radiation measure device

  • LTDs Films
  • Dosimeters
  • SOls 
  • Pocket dosimeters 
  • Survey Meter 

Why should not work in radiation application areas

  • Pregnant women
  • People with disabilities 
  • Annual dose limit for radiation workers and common people 
  •  5 Gray

Storage and dispose of Radioactive material 

Properly manage radioactive materials with measures like delay tanks in nuclear medicine departments, tagging disposal containers with dates, checking background radiation, and maintaining comprehensive documentation.
Understanding radiation safety is crucial in a world where radiation plays an ever-increasing role in our daily lives and various industries.

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