Does an infrared thermometer damage brain or cause cancer

Non Contact Thermometer
As we start to live in a new normal situation due to COVID - 19 pandemic and when we enter an office building or shopping mall or school the first thing encountered is a temperature check desk where a gentleman or a lady points a thermometer gun toward the forehead with a smile. Or some employers get this task done by robots. This important check is added to our daily routine because it is an important part of public health and safety against new coronavirus and now it has become an essential part of our CVID- 19 safety SoPs besides physical distancing, mask, and hand hygiene.
But, some news spread misinformation on social media about the infrared thermometer and claimed that the device damages the brain or causes cancer on the spot where it is pointed.
For example, on Twitter, a lady claimed in a video that infrared thermometers are used to control the mind ….. really! check the video. Similarly, the same kind of misinformation is spreading around the globe and millions of people watch and follow. Whereas the reality is entirely different.
The infrared thermometer does not emit any radiation rather absorbs the infrared radiation your body emits, so how could it be possible to control or damage or cause cancer to the person going through a temperature check. Therefore It is scientifically proven that it is safe to check the temperature with help of a non-contact infrared thermometer.
Moreover, for complete information about the infrared thermometer read the whole blog as under.

Principle of thermometer gun work

Infrared thermometer work on the blackbody radiation principle - it doesn't emit any radiation rather than absorb infrared radiation from the body/object
It is very important to understand the working principle of noncontact infrared thermometer guns because it will help the user to understand facts that it is a harmless device in terms of brain damage or causes any cancer to the pointed area.
The infrared thermometer works on the blackbody principle according to which an object or body above absolute zero temperature emits infrared radiation and the number of radiation increases as the temperature of the respective object or body increases.
The radiation from the body converges through a focus lens inside an infrared thermometer and directed toward the detector where the rays are further processed and converted into electric signals and get the digital display on the screen.
The radiation counted for the measurement comes in three different modes which are reflection, transmission, and emission.

How to use an infrared thermometer

  1. Always go for a medical-grade infrared thermometer for a human body temperature check
  2. Read the device manual thoroughly before use of the device
  3. Insert power batteries or charge for built-in battery type device
  4. Calibrate the t infrared thermometer to minimize zero error
  5. Setup your desirable temperature scale (Fahrenheit or Celsius )
  6. Point the infra thermometer to the forehead or ear and ensure the closest distance between the device and body part (usually most of the device are designed to read the temperature at a 3cm-5cm distance)
  7. Press the trigger/button one time - the result will be shown on the LCD within a fraction of second
  8. If you are not sure about the temperature or reading recheck the temperature by following the step mentioned

Advantages of infrared thermometer

  • It is contactless
  • It is easy to operate and handle
  • Some brand can connect with the internet and create database and others store reading up to 10 persons
  • It can alert or warn for all higher temperature
  • It helps to maintain hygiene when mass temperature check required

Advantages of infrared thermometer

  • The temperature can be miscalculated due to wrong positioning
  • Machine error is always there which result in the wrong calculation of temperature
  • Calibration error 
  • Distance to spot point ratio issues 
  • Reflected and transmitted radiation can alert the machine reading
  • weather conditions can alert the reading if used in an open environment

Applications of infrared thermometer

The infrared thermometer is used for multiple purposes since its invention in 1899, some applications are listed below;
  • It is primarily used to check the temperature of objects includes all fragile objects which there is risk of damage on physical contact
  • An infrared thermometer is used in food industry to check food temperature
  • An infrared thermometer is used in the hospital for checking patient's temperature
  • Due to COVID -19 now the infrared thermometers are used in even nonclinical setup to check staff temperature on the aerial to work or office.

Best medical grade thermometers

Below are few best option for the noncontact infrared thermometer, the rating is given n the based of rating and reviews;
Koogeek No Touch Digital Infrared Thermometer - Medical Graded
Equinox Digital Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer
Metene No Touch Digital Infrared Thermometer - Medical Graded (Forehead And Ear)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing the most valuable information. Keep educating by providing the latest information.Order through forehead thermometer in this pandemic situation


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